Health Information Exchange (HIE)

The HITECH Act Gold Rush

By Andy Nieto – The HITECH Act “Gold Rush” began on February 17, 2009, when the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act went into effect. Just like the prospectors of the 1800s who migrated out west in search of wealth, technology companies have been looking to “cash in” on Meaningful Use dollars for the last five years.

Compliance and Security of PHI Build a Trustworthy Framework in Healthcare

By Lee Barrett – Some say there’s nothing like a little controversy to spark interest in your organization. Others say there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Call me old fashioned, but I contend, in healthcare, being featured on the Office for Civil Rights’ Wall of Shame or plastered on a news headline about a breach of personal health information (PHI) bad publicity, bad business and bad medicine.