2018 State HIT Connect Summit Twitter Round-Up

2018 State Healthcare IT Connect Summit (@HealthITCONNECT)
What9th Annual State Healthcare IT Connect Summit 
When: April 5-6, 2018
Where: Hilton Hotel Baltimore, MD

The 2018 Meeting is the 9th Annual State Healthcare IT Connect Summit bringing together public and private sector thought leaders to share ideas and benchmark implementation strategies of State health IT systems as they move forward with diverse health and human services transformation programs. The meeting comprises keynotes, keynote panels, collaborative networking roundtables (Meet the Innovators and States of Implementation), the Connect Exhibition and breakouts assigned to 5 separate tracks. We followed the action on social media and put together some highlights from the summit.

Opening Keynote with Dr. Don Rucker. ONC

Plenary Session Moderated by NESCO

Panel Discussion

Evolving Third Party Liability (TPL) towards ‘Cost Avoidance’ and beyond ‘Pay & Chase

Vendor Module CMS Precertification Pilot